Ukulelehead, Or Why Amanda Palmer Represents the Future of the Music Industry
Last week, Amanda Palmer released an EP entitled "Amanda Palmer Performs The Popular Hits Of Radiohead On Her Magical Ukulele." Which, aside from the reputed yet unverified mystical powers of her instrument, is exactly what the title suggests. The seven-song collection includes renditions of singles "Idioteque" and "No Surprises," two live versions of "Creep," and more. It is Palmer's first fully independent release since her very public split with Roadrunner Records earlier this year.
She's emulating Radiohead in more ways than one, offering the record through her website and giving fans the option to pay as little as 84 cents for a digital version (to recoup licensing and other costs), and more if they choose. My guess is that most buyers will at least round up to a dollar.