I have nothing to add to the Iamamiwhoami kerfuffle other than:
a) Homegirl Jonna is wearing an outfit that's some burlesque performer's imagination station
b) this song is pretty but nothing has been a jam on par with "o"
c) awww kitty.

a live reaction to this video. Contains spoilers!
Omg it's Salem the Cat (AKA the OTHER Salem). I like the purring sound and bees...aw nature.
...ok several things at this first close up of J's face. 1-gaga much? 2- it makes me think of the Gristede's challenge from Project Runway 3-how'd she get her eyelashes to do that? and 5-what are those black things, more gaga refrences?
And we zoom out and I can't help realizing that her face is just weird and moves strangely... and ... ok it's a creche... and OHMIGODSHESABURRITO! HAHA a burrito...And then she gets wrapped up like a burrito mummy!
first plastic wrap, then tin foil? If this video series is just a wacky ad for Saran or Ziploc... I will be srsly disappointed.
and at this point I realize I'm really unimpressed by the music. It's just... boring. I'm focusing more on her funny lip shape than the song and that's not good.
ok trees... um... oh wait, ok so the tin-foil Jonna is pulsating so...cocoon? Butterfly coming? will she fly through this forest?
Sounds like Pele-era Tori with an obnoxious electro bassline.
And there's the woman covered in mud or whatever from the earlier video who we all thought was Xtina; again I'm focusing on her weird face and bright white teeth.
Milk? I like that.
So, the woman in the forest with the large nose is a reference to witches (the good kind) and the milk is a reference to nature and healing and motherhood stuff. And see, she offers us her milk because she is a healer and mother figure.
But! the virgin forest is an illusion! I at first thought the papers on the wall were like a blank community board, or something you'd find in a state park with info about poison ivy and hiking. But then it goes on forever and there is a camera man--but but... I need the fourth wall!
and then... that's a big cat! That turned into a dog! At first I thought the bottles were meant as an environmental statement, you know how we're building houses in the forest and throwing away plastic bottles...then I realized they were bottles for milk, empty vessels meant to be filled with healing life force ...or something.
The cat turned into a dog?
Verdict: As a video, B+, it's a fun trip with a burrito woman. As a song, C+, try harder next time.

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