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« Sunday Morning Music: The Sleep-In Version | Main | Turning things around: the SALEM controversy »

Slumming with Salem?

So... Jack Donahue of SALEM apparently got snuggly with Courtney Love of COURTNEY FUCKING LOVE (and Hole*) and took some macbook photobooth pics to mark the occasion... or are they cell phone pix...the point is, Hipster Runoff had to make what was an embarassing moment (for C. Love) some kind of sensationalized... something?  And then they threw around the term Rape Gaze ("Did u hop off the chillwave, and r u vibing the rape gaze?") like it's...well like it hadn't been redacted from the Pitchfork review of King Night.

Further reasons I hate hipster runoff...besides its contribution to general illiteracy and the cheapening of everything that could possibly be cool or creative or different... They took something that should have been 5 seconds of a funny/sad twitpic had to bring up "Rape Gaze" again like it's actually a thing. A thing that's interesting or worth discussing at this point.

Here's what's fucking interesting: "Rape Gaze" was coined by Lauren Flax & Lauren Dillard, of Creep, an all-female band...and they've disowned it because, as they explain to the Village Voice:  "We would never want to advocate sexual violence against any human being. It was a play on words which we never expected to be used as an actual genre." 

Their first gig was with MEN... wrap your head around that one, Carles.




*Russ may have mentioned this band, Hole, to a young associate of his who was unable to name a single Hole song. Ah...youth of today.

Reader Comments (5)


And really...I don't agree with "witch house" totally, but I'd still rather that than the above term. Not only is it lame and offensive, but it adds a dimension immediately to the music that wasn't there before. If I was told that Salem was "rape gaze" before I had heard them, I never would have heard them.

That would have been a shame.

Oct 26 | Unregistered CommenterKristin

(And Jack was like, "no no no, what Courtney thinks is...")

Oct 26 | Unregistered CommenterKristin

You really come across as a little bit self-righteous here man. Hipster Runoff is hilarious and part of the reason it works so well is that the world is full of ostensibly earnest people like yourself who take themselves and their music way, way too seriously.

P.S. "Rape Gaze" is certainly a distasteful genre name but it is valid in at least one respect: it points out the absurdity of micro-genres and the pathetic efforts of artists and fans to differentiate their oh-so-unique sound/gimmick.

Oct 26 | Unregistered CommenterJames

Ok, maybe Carlos is too irreverent for your taste, maybe he is actually irrelevant, but you have to admit something: he has done more to increase awareness of Salem in the past two weeks than all of you combined. He has probably introduced at least 50,000 people to that song he streamed. What can you claim to have done?

We, as Soldout, have the first (only?) video interview with SALEM, for one. It's from March. We pushed them on to ONTD--kinda the biggest gossip blog in the world or something--a couple of times. It's bigger than Hipster Runoff...but who's counting?

Did we make them #22 on Billboard? No, we are not their publicists. That wasn't really our goal, anyway. We're just interested in the music, the band, the phenomenon...and want to talk about it. So we'll do what we can to make that happen.

I'm sorry you're offended that I come off as self-righteous about rape and the use of "rape gaze" in pop culture. Just one of my little idiosyncrasies I suppose. The unexamined genre term is not worth using, eh? EH? I think it's true that micro-genres are kind of useless...but the rest of Soldout may disagree. I personally dont care for "Witch House" as a genre but it's better than a lot of the alternatives. Except for Fuckcore. I like that one.

But let's get back to business--what do you all think of John and C-Love all a-snuzzling up there? We were SURE we saw him macking on Liv Tyler last week--DRAMA!

Oct 26 | Unregistered CommenterMarley

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