SALEM: King Night vid
Perfectly dark, strobe-lit and weird, this is exactly what I see in my head when this song plays.
SALEM - KING NIGHT from Theo Wenner on Vimeo.

About music and about writing about music. And sometimes about writing about writing about music.
Perfectly dark, strobe-lit and weird, this is exactly what I see in my head when this song plays.
SALEM - KING NIGHT from Theo Wenner on Vimeo.
Hand it to John, Jack and Heather of S4LEM: what they are most concerned with is using their music to create a mood. This video, for their standout track "Sick" (or "S!CK" or "SICKX" or whatever you want to call it), could have been many things. What it is: a mood of urban/southern violence. Gangs fight, girls dance, it's grainy and uncomfortable and basically the exact word this song exists in. If the song is evil, the video is a snuff film. And while I've had the song on repeat since the record came out, I've no desire to watch this clip again.
A newsflash from our former webmistress Krystyn:
Salem have remixed Interpol. Carlos D's moustache weeps, but we rejoice.
Interpol: Try It On (Salem remix)
Enjoy the chopping of Paul's voice to add that mixtape-esque "Salem-suh-suh-SALEM" tag? And the rolling snares...never knew Interpol needed those rolling snares.
All in all, this is euphoric music to cry to. As we said before, it's what Salem's doing well these days.
So there's a new SALEM remix, of Charli XCX's "Stay Away". We don't know the original, but this rejigger is moving more towards the "RAVER STAY WIF ME" mindset of beautiful, broken post-ecstasy comedown emo torture. And it's fucking lovely.
s jusssss a teeenaaaage wazteland.