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Sunday Morning Music: The Sleep-In Version

I love when I sleep in, then wake to find it's raining. Rain is only nice for not going anywhere; Sunday is the day for that.

When I implored the good people of Twitter (no, not "tweeple," I will fight you if I hear you say that) for their favorite Sunday morning songs yesterday, the only one I didn't know was the choice of Soldout head honcho, Russ Marshalek. It happened to be absolutely perfect for this morning: the rain, the feeling of in-between just the right amount of beer and one too many the night before, the coffee getting cold too quickly.

I give you the Cowboy Junkies' "Something More Beside You":

I have fallen in love with this song; just this morning I listened to it four times in a row. Not just because I'm writing this column, but because every time it ended, I wanted to hear it again. It kicks in and out as the lyrics take you down a path you need to re-tread. Margo Timmin's voice is a like a caress here, and it's up to you to decide if it's a reassuring embrace or a goodbye kiss.

Cowboy Junkies are one of those bands that I've been told over and over again to check out, which goes into one of my ears, lodges briefly and then shoots out the other. This Sunday morning, however, has given me a reason to seek out their back catalogue.

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