and she is hungry
I'm not sure what the hell is going on with iamamiwhoami, the viral video presence that's popped up in and around music blogs over the past few days, but I do know this:
There's a studio recording of the Knife opera coming out this year. There's a new Xtina record and a new Goldfrapp album. And these gorgeous slices of forest-fetish electropop could belong to a campaign for any of them.
Notes on these clips:
1) if you want your album's pre-release campaign to work, THIS IS A TEXTBOOK example on how to do it. Create content, gorgeous, lush content, with a hook.
2)We have too much faith in Xtina and are living in a post-Gaga landscape when we assume something like this could be for mainstream pop.
3) The Knife could do shit like this in their sleep and the fact that they're the first band to come to mind as being responsible for these is proof of it.
4) God I wish we still existed in a musical climate where, like, these could belong to Tori Amos.
Yeah, I bit into the marketing ploy. And yeah, I'll be watching. This is the smartest viral campaign in ages.

Pretty sure it's Goldfrapp. The new record Head First comes out March 23 in the U.S., March 22 in the UK-and that's when the forest-y, birth-y vids and clues are saying the "big reveal" is.
If this is the new incarnation of Miss Goldfrapp? I like. A lot. But then, I always have.

and the saga comes to a sad close for NOW:
the TWITTER account is fake. Which means that the ARTIST behind the genius vids is probably Goldfrapp. Which means there's a stunning Goldfrapp album to be heard this year.