Wolves On Parade!
Hey, check it out - new music from that Montreal band who will release an album later this year that everyone's been salivating over. (No, not THAT one.)
It's Wolf Parade! Offering us a little teaser from their upcoming album with "What Did My Lover Say (It Always Had to Go This Way)"!
Wolf Parade - What Did My Lover Say (It Always Had to Go This Way) by subpop
The track's a little repetitive, but it's been growing on me. It wasn't until the third or fourth listen that I realized, hey, this chorus is actually kind of catchy — and those woo-oohs at the end are to die for.
Wolf Parade's third full-length album, "Expo 86" (not to be confused with the Death Cab for Cutie song of the same name), will be released on June 29 via SubPop.