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    Entries in launch party (7)


    Apartment Stories: The Bloodsugars 

    When we named The Bloodsugars as our favorite new band of 2009, it was on two merits: the strong tunes that make up their debut album and their impressively energetic live show.

    Those same two merits, plus the fact that they've pretty much earned the status of "band we force anyone with a half-mile radius to listen to" here at soldout, also netted them a prime slot at our soldoutmusic launch part at Santos Party House in NY on Feb 10.

    To celebrate the upcoming launch, we recently crammed the guys of The Bloodsugars into soldout Liz's apartment for a soldout Aparment Story session-1 flipcam, 1 song stripped to its bare essentials, no redoes or editing.

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    Launch Party

    We've hinted at it. We've whispered about it. We've told all our friends, and they've told some friends, and it basically turned into the worst-kept-secret of a shampoo commercial ever.

    And it is. The soldoutmusic official launch party.

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