soldout music dot com

About music and about writing about music. And sometimes about writing about writing about music. 

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    SXSW mini-update

    So... Russ and Marley made it to Austin! This journey involved 4 airports, 2 flights, and 1 Super Shuttle bus.  Our feelings about JetBlue are mixed... but improving with the help of our Flight-F-Ups conselor, Sean. What up Sean!

    BUT WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW! Is that we're here and rockin and will update you with more good fun stuff later. Right now... you need to know about this band. Personal and the Pizzas. 

    We're pretty sure Russ made up the name of this band in the past year. They're a punk band from Hoboken, NJ so it's possible that overheard him spitballing band names on the train. Not sayin...but just sayin.


    Salem: Getting To The Root

     It's been what feels like ages (but is in fact a year) since we sat down with Salem during 2010's South By Southwest festival. In that time, they've released a stunning debut record--one of our favorites of the last year--and continued to amass controversy.In anticipation of their forthcoming NYC show at Santos Party House (if we were into labeling things in a fashion akin to Lil' B, someone who actually finds a kindred spirit in the weird earnestness of Salem's Jack Donoghue, John Holland and Heather Marlatt, we'd call this a #rare #based performance), we caught up with Jack, John and Heather via email to discuss music critics (particularly Chris Weingarten), song lyrics and being the poster children for a scene. And what we found out...was amazing. These guys, after everything, are just three friends who enjoy making music. Sharing it with the world? They're cool with that, also. The fact that some people like it? That's just a plus. Strip away the ascribed image and you'll find what we did: there's no manipulation, no metaphor, no ulterior motive behind these words. Read them for yourself and realize: S4LEM: they're just like you and I.

    Click to read more ...


    Sunday Morning Music: Conor Oberst will keep singing and he doesn't care if you listen.


    I know as I post this, I will certainly get some fallout. Yes, I're all over Bright Eyes. You can't stand the shakiness of Oberst's voice, this is more boring white boy bullshit, this makes me tired, ohkristinthisissopasse.

    As always, I don't care.

    I got The People's Key this week (a real physical copy!) and I'm ecstatic. It's perfect Sunday Morning fare, as was Cassadaga, it's infinitely comforting. For some reason, there's little that is as comforting to me. The new album is much in the same vein as the last one, but a bit brighter, a bit jumpier."Shell Games" (above) is a good representation of that.

    It also reminded me that albums can be beautiful when held, if there has been time put into the production. I was taken back to when I used to have to go to a record store; when the art of the CD was a part of the whole product. I miss that--but here it is, nostaligic and beautiful in itself.

    God, I feel old. Do you, Conor?



    We love BritBrit!

    Oh, this interview with Britney Spears.  So good.

    Damn, Britney. DAAAAAMN.

    Popnography of interviews Britney and asks the things we dont dare.  We're willing to overlook the fact that the title of the piece is "Britney Emails Her Heart Out" and very few of her responses are complete sentences.  The little tidbits (brit-bits) that we get from her are solid gold.  This entertained team Soldout for a solid weekday.  Amazing.  Some key q's and a's below.  (She loves Gaga! Britney, call us!)

    Sadly, we do not think Britney has a Formspring a la Keshadolla.  Too bad. 


    Are there any of your songs that you wish you hadn’t recorded/you don’t really love?
    No. All of my songs are f–ing amazing.

    How is Femme Fatale different from your other albums?
    I think Femme Fatale is my most upbeat and mature album yet.

    Do you listen to your contemporaries’ music?
    Yes. I love Gaga and Rihanna. Rihanna’s "S & M" is awesome. 

    Which song from the last 10 years do you wish you had recorded?
    Eminem and Rihanna’s “Love the Way You Lie.”

     (sidenote, Marley was not impressed to hear that Brit was jumping on the "domestic abuse is hot" bandwagon...)

    Assuming reincarnation exists, in my next life I’d life to be...
    A bird, so I can fly.

    (and later)

    Do you have any phobias?
    Flying, because I’m not in control.

    As Dr Zachary says, Well, obviously she wants to be in control of her flying :)

    And that, friends, is why we love her.



    Music to sell drugs to 

    So there was a Pitchfork review of Gunplay's recent Inglorious Bastard mixtape. It had the rare impact on me of making me rush to download the record immediate-fucking-ly, and oh thank god I did.



    Gunplay ft Rick Ross: Walking On Water


    This is, indeed, an entire mixtape of music to crash cars, boats, trains, fuck execute complete acts of vandalance inside your grandparents' condo, do whatever the fuck you want to this music. It's more hedonistic and focused and thusly way more dangerous than Flocka, but Flocka's spirtual influence and actual presence tips this whole fucking thing into what happens after 8 four lokos, a lot of drugs and why are you carrying a firearm?

    This song, "Walking On Water", comes early on the tape but is one of its crowning moments. Rick Ross hustles and snorts about how the sheer amount of cocaine he's sold in his time affords him a lifestyle akin to Jesus Christ. Bro is now apparently so rich he is canonized, holy, the Son Of God Blessed Is He Who Comes In The Name Of The Lord, and he has a jet and a helicopter so why are you not out selling drugs right now

    That's the sort of shit this Gunplay tape makes one think. BRB guys, I'm going to get my hustle on.