Triple 6 is my number
Minds are already made up about Tyler's Goblin album and we've only heard a handful of songs from it. Either it's going to be the only thing you're blasting all summer, or you and all your college friends are going to protest at the OFWGKTA show at a venue near you. To paraphrase Yeezy: everybody feel that way 'bout Tyler but at least y'all feel something. I've had conversations with a few lately who are remaining apathetic about the Odd Future media takeover, and I don't get it--we're at a critical musical moment as important as that first Eminem record, at least in terms of what we're going to be hearing for the next while. Tyler and his goblins have taken the apathy, the general malaise of society today and distilled it into fire, venom and anger so fucking smart you can't write it off, regardless of how many Kate Bornstein lectures you've sat through (I think she'd find Tyler a charming young man, but that's neither here nor there). Tyler's mentioned in the media recently that the violent, horrific themes in his music are all pulled by the rhymes, the rhythms and textures of his flow and the music, and "Tron Cat",the latest nugget to drop from Goblin, supports that. No one else could get thousand-word think pieces written about his excrement and then rap "I'm awesome/and I fuck dolphins" and have it be both poignant AND hilarious. Ball's in Tyler's court on this one, kids, and when Goblin gets a Grammy nod get fucking ready.
Tyler the Creator: "Tron Cat"

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