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« Sunday Morning Music: The Horrors' "Sea Within A Sea" | Main | How d'ya make it slide around like that »


Dear Iamamiwhoami:

There is nothing you can do, nothing at all, no voodoo witchcraft honkus donkus, that will make us give a shit any more about your too-long viral video campa....

wait, you're bringing bass? Face-melting, earth-shattering bass, and that Jonna Lee (or, you know, whoever) disembodied coo, and you're melding them?

Oh, fine, fuck it, show us what ya got.


This cardboard box undies rave brings us no closer to the reveal or to the ultimate sponsorship goal ("this year in the life of a Swedish pop star brought to you by Coca Cola-wearerefreshingarentwe?"), but it's a massive musical step towards what will at least end in a scant few brilliant mp3s. Maybe Iamami will end up being Keshadollarsign, and then our little worlds will implode. 



Reader Comments (4)

That looked like Karin from The Knife and Fever Ray at the end. I have a feeling this is a collective of musicians rather than just one person or band.

Oh, wait, nevermind ...I meant it looked like Karin at the end of the other one with the puppet. Karin in some kind of man drag. Or maybe not. I don't know. It's getting a bit tedious now.

Well.... what can i say. I have been watching and "studying" this videos since the second one showed up and i must say that i m amazed. I love this and i will be sad when it finishes. Why don't u just enjoy them and try to guess what's the meaning?

May 8 | Unregistered CommenterLeo

Here are my remixes of 'o' and U-2


May 10 | Unregistered CommenterShugshooter

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