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    SXSW preview: s'all blurred out: Kristin & Marley focus on SALEM

    In which soldout begins to join the fucking cacophony about SXSW.

    Kristin talked to Marley for about an hour about Salem Friday Feb 26.  It was crazy. The original schedule of the chat/listening party was only supposed to be three songs. It didn’t work out like that, which the girls suppose is often the case with SALEM. Once you start learning about their mythology and hearing the music, you get oddly sucked into their web. Below, you can listen along with Marley and Kristin. Draw your own conclusions, but you’ll definitely be as mystified as they were.

    Marley: ok. so we're going to listen to SALEM!

    Kristin: Here we are. About to listen to Salem. What shall we start with?

    Marley: Russ tells me we're going to start with When You Sleep

      and then move on to Skullcrush

      and for dessert, Trap Door

      i'm being instructed to get a drink.



    Kristin: bam bam bam

    bam bam bam

    This isn't as immediately frightening as I thought.

    Marley: I can't not think about the Glasslands video

     heh heh jacking off

    Kristin: Right? The little girlish voice saying "jacking off" is jarring.

    Marley: yeah... I'm not so scared. but it's daytime and if I were at Glasslands which is pretty much an unfinished basement of a venue… I'd be cowering.

    Kristin: I really like how the tapping part weaves in and out of the beat. That's strange.

    Marley: apparently the genre is Fuckcore.

    Kristin: We probably will cower at SXSW. We will probably be far too close to them.

    Marley: oh is that it?

    Kristin: Abrupt End.


    Kristin: Even if the receiver of that question does not, she still wins, just by saying it.

    Marley: true!


    Marley: wow. score 1 for salem. like, taking someone’s tweet and making a terrifying song out of it

    ok...I dont know if I'm ready for something called skullcrush

    Kristin: omg, exactly. They can do it in 140 characters or less.

     Marley: music for our times.

     Kristin: Well. At least they're not being obtuse with their song titles.

     Marley: if I can quote entire song lyrics in a tweet--win.

        ...on the other hand... now I'm really scared of SKULLCRUSH

    Kristin: Play button?

     Marley: ...yes.

     Kristin: My heart's thumping. Let's go.



    Kristin: bwaaaaaaaaam bwaaaaaam

    Marley: yeah I like it.

    Kristin: I'm actually kind of surprised by how much I'm liking it.

    Marley: it's not really setting itself apart from other distorted-noise-beats stuff but I'm down.

    Marley: someone's whispering...

    Kristin: AW I can't hear the words properly. I haaate that.

    I like how the vocal fits into the structure of the song, but I'm disappointed I can't actually tell what he's saying. That always makes me feel I'm...being lied to, or something.

    Marley: is it like...the sound of a skull being crushed?  onamonapia?

    Kristin: How your hearing would be, were your skull being crushed?

    Marley: eeee that IS scary.  I dont feel like this song is really going anywhere…like, verse, chorus... ??


    Marley: repetitive noise confusion music what? FUCKCORE!

    Kristin: Are we listening? What is listening?

    Marley: woah. yeah, def a band to see live

    Kristin: Okay. The abrupt endings are a pattern.

    Marley: maybe not so much one to rock out to on the subway/in your car/whatever

    knowing how to end a song=not SALEM's thing

    Kristin: Ohno, notthesubway. That sounds like a recipe for disaster.

    Marley: the thing is you can't tell if the noise is the music you're listening to or the noise of the subway, which both builds on and takes away from the point...

    Russ is suggesting we listen to Dirt before Trap Door  b/c it was the single


    Kristin: Hell, we got ourselves into this. We need to follow through.

    To where did they release this single? The followers on the Flickr account?

    Marley: the interwebs?




    Kristin: *stoically*

    Marley: ahem. ahem.

    nice original beatssss! (kidding)

    slowed down vocals are funny...not so much scary

    Kristin: It was at this point that I had to check that I was on the right song. Single?

    Marley: did he just say Salem??

    Kristin: fluff? fllluuuuufff?

    Marley: shummmm

    Kristin: shin hay ma choo choo doo

    Marley: I guess knowing it's a voice but not being able to discern words is pretty scary.


    Marley: like, there's someone knocking in the walls kinda shit

    Kristin: They live at the end of a

    Marley: HAHAHA

    Kristin: five and a half minute hallway

    Marley: yeah I was going there next.

    Kristin: ABRUPT. Again!

    Marley: hehhh. I dunno I feel like Dirt is the beginning of something much more epic or it could be. like, where they end it, they could have thrown in some heavy beats and started a dance track


    Kristin: That's Salem: 3. Us: 0. Or us: 3?

    Marley: how do we win at this? I think we win for taking them seriously... dont know

    Kristin: I'm not sure. I hope we get cupcakes.

    Marley: IF WE DONT DIE, WE WIN.

    Kristin: Right. If we make it through, the world wins.

    Marley: phew. I think we'll come out of this alive (famous last words)

    Kristin: shhhh. Are we composed for Trapdoor?

    Marley: ahem. I'm good

    Kristin: I sat up a little straighter. Onward, play button.



    Marley: ooh dancier already.

    Kristin: ROOF ROOF omg I love it.

    Marley: oof oofff  I ain tryina lil bey?

    Kristin: i ain't tryin' to look bad?

    Marley: ...Wire reference?

    Kristin: or something to that effect?

    Marley: I'm just a little juice?

    Kristin: i love it i love it

    Marley: is his voice really this low?

    Kristin: i bake too much? yes?

    Marley: oooh car crash!

    hey do not touch! so I'ma thrown down

    Kristin: CAUSE YA'LL CANT SEE NUTTIN oof oof roof roof

    Marley: I need a lyric sheet to fully appreciate

    I can't feel shit...

    Kristin: i'm thug, i'm bone? i am going to listen to this eight hundred more times.

    Marley: oh another car crash

    s'all blurred out hey bitch I can't see shit

    Kristin: i lost my capital letters in the interest of imparting to you how much i love this in the most expedited manner

    Marley: hahahaha I'm terrified

    Kristin: “maybe I should leave?” NO DON'T GO

    Marley: this guy eats kittens for breakfast. I'm pretty sure.

    Kristin: I'm swaying back and forth a little bit. (oh noes not kittens)

    Marley: ok I might be rocking out a little... because i'm scared he'll get mad if I dont

    1 more minute

    Kristin: I know you see both of me?

    Marley: and... I missed that

    Kristin: car craaaaash!

    Marley: I's trying to get high and something something car crash!

    Kristin: it's a motif.

    Marley: yeah I like the message. I think?

    ooh good fade out ending!

    Kristin: I want to give them two points for that.

    Marley: this one's a winner. go Salem.

     apparently...there is a video...for Dirt??

     Kristin: And they've proven they can end a song somewhat suitably.

     Marley: yeah. I dug it

     should we... dare we...

    Kristin: I mean, we may as well. We've come this far and we've held up admirably.

    Marley: true! cupcakes and kittens for all!

     (kittens=not for eating)

    Kristin: cupcakes for breakfast! not kittens!


    SALEM - DIRT from ACEPHALE on Vimeo.



    Kristin: okay, there's no music

     the lack of music IS the music

    Marley: yeahhh

     uh oh I forsee another car crash.

    Kristin: That car won't be long for this world.

    Marley: true

    Kristin: She is distressed.

    Marley: s'all blurred out

    ok music

    what the crap people… crying in the car... carbon monoxide?

    Kristin: hanging boobies. This is pretty graphic.

    Marley: but then s'all blurred out!

    this song is apparently about body image

    omg climbing on the car it's v. xfiles Aaaaaahhhhh

    Kristin: Like, the woman in the car is looking at the naked woman, crying that she is not the naked woman?

    Marley: what the...

     the naked woman is a fantasy

    Kristin: avant a go go

    Marley: a phantasmmmm

    she's getting up and …uh

    Kristin: I really don't know what just happened.

    Marley: silence. me neither. I'm a little upset about the crying and the nudity

    Kristin: Silence feels heavy now.

    Marley: true. I think salem is not meant to be analyzed. it's meant to be experienced!

    Kristin: The nudity was gratuitous--in a bad way. Don't get me wrong. I love gratuitous...but...what?

    Marley: yeah

    I liked the crawling on the car stuff--way scary.

    but the just hanging around naked outside the car..wha?

    Kristin: paradise by the dashboard NOOOOO

    Marley: yes! I LOL'd

     I'm trying to draw a conclusion about SALEM

    and I cant stop thinking about a teenager's mom's unfinished cinderblock basement

    Kristin: Let's see...well, I'm glad at least that the music matches the mythology.

    I know, right? And a noose and a Jason mask.

    Marley: they've got an honest if completely fucked up image.


    Marley: aaaahhhh! don't go down there!

    Kristin: Jack wants us to put the lotion on our skin.

    Marley: they've ALL read house of leaves

    Kristin: I just creeped myself out.

    Marley: noooo jack noooooo

    Kristin: They LIVE House of Leaves.

    Marley: YES. I was thinking that too!

    Marley: I mean. I think it's going to be an experience seeing these kids live

    Kristin: Me too. I actually can't wait.

    Marley: and when I say kids I mean kids.

    Kristin: I KNOW. They're babies.

    Marley: my conclusion is that I want to see more and see/hear it live because I need the full sensory experience.

    Kristin: We have not defeated you, but we have survived one round.

    Marley: mmm yeah.

    Kristin: It's a listener/musician game of Axis and Allies.

    (here Marley and Kristin began to look at “lyrics” in an attempt to make sense of SALEM.)

    Marley: Russ says "you can wear the heels but dont touch them clothes" is 100% a lyric

    Kristin: "okay maybe i should go
    but where is there to go?
    you walk your ass for hours"

    Do you feel like they mean you harm? Or harm to your mind? Is that the slightly queasy feeling?

    Marley: eeeh yeah I kinda... I feel like theyre out to manipulate

    Kristin: "no I'm getch you" Noooooo

    Marley: they're really all about making the audience feel something. and that something is a terrifying sort of nostalgia

    Kristin: Oh, no. He's trying to say he gets where I'm coming from. He does?

    Marley: I can't imagine that's true.

    Kristin: A terrifying sort of nostalgia. Interesting.

    Marley: yeah

    Kristin: Nostalgia for the time right before we were born. The time never experienced.

    Marley: i think there's a feeling of being trapped, a teenage sort of aimless feeling and hazy and maybe a little drugged

    Kristin: Yeees. Slightly juvenile.

    Marley: hmmm. I'm completely sober.

    Kristin: Basement-y. just like the pictures.

    Marley: yeah!

    Kristin: Like Jack's mom bursts in on his creative process all the time.

    Marley: damnit mom!

    Kristin: BUT WAIT. I can't imagine Salem's parents.

    Marley: according to John his parents were ok

    Kristin: From the BUTT article, right? BUTT I can't possibly believe that.

    Marley: I sent the Butt Magazine article to my friend Cex with the note, "these kids are your jam"

     Marley: ok Russ is playing Tent. and it has discernible lyrics

     it's very angsty teenager gothy. they're so gothy! John's so cute when he says they're not

     Kristin: I'm putting it on.



     Marley: ok Tent. is weeeird

    Kristin: I hear something about "flesh flesh" and "a man and a screw."

    Marley: eeee

    Kristin: This one's freaking me out a lil.

    Marley: yeah

    Kristin: "i don't know if you could tell/but i don't need help" bwwwhahahaha

    Marley: yah...I disagree

    Kristin: now with the flesh, now with the palms? I don't know if he's lost me OR FOUND ME

    Marley: eee yeah

    Kristin: There wasn't even an ending to that one.

    Marley: I KNOW terrifying

    Kristin: I don't think I can do much more, but maybe we should go out with that Streets of Philadelphia cover.

    Marley: oh shit i'm down with that. (if people are still reading this at this point... and haven’t DIED!)


    Marley: omg! that is the beauty of salem



     Kristin: slow and steady. and surprisingly reminiscent of the original.

     Marley: yeah

    it's been a long time since I've heard the original


    Kristin: Hers is not a voice you want to hear beside your bed at four in the morning.

    Marley: I like it

    Kristin: JUST streeeeeets. Inclusive.

    Marley: right, they want to make it universal (so said Jack in BUTT)

    Kristin: This is sleepy.

    Marley: yeah

    Kristin: SALEM NAP TIME

    Marley: awww I'd be too scared

    Kristin: that's a terrible image, actually.

    Marley: these kids dont sleep

    Kristin: just put some stuffed animals in that image and viola, i have sketched your nightmares

    Marley: realize you brought this full circle to when you sleep.

    Kristin: Seriously! Salem voodoo!

    They control our words.

    Marley: our minds

    Kristin: our souls

    Marley: !!!

    Kristin: we will prevail. Is this going on too long, or is my sense of time warped?

    Marley: it's going on way long. it's 5 min long

    Kristin: whoa, we still have a minute left. this is how they get our brains

    Marley: yeah. I kinda dig this but not knowing the rest of their oeuvre I might not be so impressed

    Kristin: It's not bad, but I do just want to lay down.

    Marley: true and true

    Kristin: Phew. Okay.

    Marley: yeah well.

    Kristin: I need to put on some reality TV or something.

    Marley: that happened.

    yeah. I'm going to watch something funny. or um. have a drink. or maybe take a nap.

    Kristin: It did. Thank you for taking the journey with me. I don't think I could have done it alone.

    Marley: oof.  ditto.

    Kristin: oof off roof roof

    Marley: !!! oh shizzle.

    well. I'll see YOU on the 19th. for SALEM.

    Kristin: We will be there and not be there at the same time.

    Marley: BRACE YERSELF!


    SALEM plays SXSW on Friday, March 19th at the Mohawk Patio, 9 PM. We’ll be there, so come and say hi. While you still can…


    Reader Comments (2)

    I think this may be the worst commentary on Salem that I've ever read, it sounds like a couple 15 year old girls talking about music they just can't quite wrap their heads around. Their music is not about scaring you, it might make you uncomfortable but thats because its honest, its not goth. Just because they had some pentagrams on their myspace doesn't make them goth. I can understand why you might think that, but maybe it's because the music is a bit hard to understand if you aren't a bit fucked up deep down from something in your past.

    Jul 26 | Unregistered CommenterTom Butts

    I have gone through the discussion of you both. I would like to know some information on mythology. I have heard about it before but don't have complete knowledge on it.
    Sex Toys

    Feb 2 | Unregistered Commenterwify

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