These kids are on fire-BM LINX
Have we mentioned the launch party this weds at Santos yet? No? Oh, shit, we should.
(I mean it was also in the New Yorker, but who the hell reads that?)
One of our bands, the superfierce BM Linx, threw some questions around with us via email.
1) "black entertainment" was mixed by alan moulder-was it at all intimidating being in a room with him, and were there ever clashes of ideas between what your vision was and what his ideas were?
It wasn't really intimidating cause he's such a nice guy... It was kinda weird though. I mean, right after I'd start suggesting things to him I'd remember that I was suggesting things to the guy that mixes all of the NIN stuff and who did Siamese Dream by Smashing Pumpkins. He had a huge roll in some real modern classics, and I'd suddenly feel like a guy trying to explain a coat hanger to Frank Lloyd Wright. We never clashed though, and if you suggest something to him he will always at least try it so you can hear what you think you want done.
2) "black entertainment" is such a merger of rock and electronic-what do you guys listen to for inspiration? what was the first album you bought with your own money?
First album I bought with my own money was Guns N Roses- Appetite for Destruction.. I always had a thing for heavier blues rock. For BMLINX, it's really a combination of heavy rock music vs. electronic. After doing a few of these interviews I'm not really into calling it "dance music" though, cause all music is dance music if you think about it.
When I got to NYC I was just a rock guy, but I went to a club called Twilo and heard the system - it kicked my ass, so I got into DJing (just like everyone else at the time) and started producing. Got into Plastikman, Jeff Mills, Laurent Garnier, Squarepusher, Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada... etc. Drop some DJ Assault in there for good measure. So it's a combination of all that...
3) what's the bm linx live experience like-with only 3 of you, how do you get that massive sound?
Sub basses and synths round out the sound. We run synth tracks and loops during the live show and it adds tons of dimension. I don't hold back with the distortion pedal...
4) what are you listening to lately?
I’ve been listening to some harder stuff like High On Fire, The Sword, Metallica's And Justice For All is my favorite record ever..., some New Order, Rush, Grinderman, Nirvana, Hendrix. It's all come down to youtube in a way.. Whatever live show or video you want to watch at a second's notice is just right there so my taste is all over the place.
These guys are INSANE...check the video for "Kids on Fire" and then have them keep you up all night at Santos for our launch party.

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