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« i change shapes just to rave in this place | Main | Let us now praise hideous popstars: Keshadollarsign day »

Stephen, why won't you call her?

I'm always willing to look on the bright side of things, so in the interest of that, I present "Stephen." It's the only Ke$ha song with redeemable value, insofar as it's catchy and not as creepily lewd as the rest of her oeuvre. (Although, "redeemable" is relative: even though the song is likable, you still have to type that goddamn dollar sign in the middle of her name when you mention her in writing. I think you're also obligated to make reference to it aloud. Or at least draw it in the air with your finger.) As resident defender of mainstream pop, I feel duty-bound to try to say one good thing.

The reason I like this song is that it's not indicative of the rest of her music at all. It sounds like a different artist, and in her case, that's a relief. So, maybe there’s hope? I know, I know. That’s a hell of a grasp at an impossible straw. At least she gave me one mildly enjoyable, guilty pleasure song.

What’s that old adage about a ribbon on fecal matter? Yeah, well, this song is the ribbon on Kesha Dollar Sign. (First name: Kesha, Middle Name: Dollar, Last Name: Sign.) This song = going on my iPod. Otherwise, the girl’s the musical equivalent of a Craigslist post.

Reader Comments (1)

this is imogen heap's hide-and-seek for the "2 catch a predator" set.

Feb 19 | Registered CommenterRuss

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