you're not the first one i've failed
Lali Puna are one of those bands that I can never quite recover from listening to. I fell into them around the time of Faking The Books, a brilliantly heartbreaking album of futureterrorheartbreak that hit emotionally and viscerally in a way that I think is what some mean when they talk about, say, Ok Computer being a perfect record about the same topics and inspiring the same reaction.
They have a new record coming out in April, Our Inventions. And (thankfully, blissfully) their textured, layered, snow-falling-on-exposed-anxiety sound remains entirely intact.
Lali Puna: "Everything Is Always"
"Everything Is Always" isn't the album's single-I honestly don't know/care what is. "Everything Is Always" IS a tender beating heart, filled with the sort of half-murmurs and second glances that Lali Puna use to counterbalance how extremely mechanical their gauzy, willowly electropop is. Lali Puna's music is about the moment right after a mistake, the sound of realizing the right choice wasn't the one made. Maybe that's the future they're afraid of-not one that's mechanical, but one that's lived in a stasis of heartbreak.
"You're not the first one I've failed", the song goes. At least, I think it does. And if that's what I hear? So be it-because it all falls apart from there.

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