Soldout vs SXSW: the prologue
Bags are being packed. Tickets, too expensive, have been purchased. There's a sweet-ass pool on the roof of the hotel (not to be confused with the pool that wasn't on the roof of my highschool and that in fact was only mentioned to lock stupid, unsuspecting freshmen on said roof).
Yup: soldout is heading to South by Southwest, or SXSW if you speak Twitter.
Given the fact that I (this is Russ speaking as Russ, now, and addressing you: hashtagbreakingthefourthwall) come from a social media background and have, through other projects, access to the latest in cutting-edge technology, you're undoubtedly excited to see what tools will be put to use to chronicle the madness, the mayhem, the murder of our first SX?
That's right: a sidekick, a flip-cam, a notebook, a macbook and some Day-Quil.
This is how you track down rock stars.
I'd drop some previews of who we intend on sitting with (read as: drinking with) during our time in Austin, but plans change. Also people get drunk.
So here's the plan: we're going to bum-rush the Levi's Fader Fort as much as possible (HEY FADER where's the FADER FORT SIDEKICK APP?). We're going to eat some tacos. Also: POOL. ON THE ROOF.
Updates start tomorrow and come til we puke. Follow soldout on twitter for a shit-ton of awesome balanced with incoherence.
Reader Comments (2)
I'll alert the proper authorities that you're on the way.
Collin! At least let us get there first!